Reset Password
Step-by-step process on user side. (Password Reset)
Last updated
Step-by-step process on user side. (Password Reset)
Last updated
If a player forgets their username, they will need to contact customer service to submit a valid ID, registered number and some information such as the date of registration and last login before customer service will give the username of the player.
If a player forgets their registration number, they will need to contact customer service to submit a valid ID, username and some information such as the date of registration and last login before customer service will provide the registered number of the player.
The player's valid identification should match his/her "real name" or the name on the "Bank Card Management".
FYI: if a customer puts the wrong password 100 times, the system will automatically disable their account. So customers will contact CS for help.
How to check when customer login fails 100 times ** It will automatically disable their account.